This time of year is one of my favorites since living in America. I enjoy the tradition of giving thanks, which gives me the opportunity to thank you for being part of my community. I love receiving feedback about what you've found enjoyable and what has been meaningful to you.

I traveled to Florida recently to spend some time at the Upledger Institute where they sponsored a pilot study to measure the effectiveness of Craniosacral therapy with Veterans diagnosed with PTSD. I was part of a team of therapists that treated the Veterans over a five-day time period. This effort was lead by Kat and Chas Perry (pictured) of Integrative Intentions, who have been leading these types of programs for many years, which includes work with dolphins in the Bahamas. This is on my list of things to do before I die!! It was especially meaningful to be doing this important healing work over Veterans Day and to hear each of them describe how appreciative they were for the changes they experienced by receiving CST.
Working in the Veterans program is one the wonderful experiences I have had from following my passion of CST. Another meaningful experience has been collaborating with friends that I met from publishing my book. Many of you have heard me share about my friend Scarlett Lewis.
Scarlett is leading a non-profit organization called Jesse Lewis Choose Love. It's a movement that is providing a free Social Emotional Learning (SEL) program for schools. Scarlett and I just recorded a video about the importance of healthy touch within schools and some practical ways to do that. Take a moment to listen to the video here and let me know your thoughts. In June 2017, Scarlett and I will be joined by our friend Dana Liesegang to teach a workshop at the Omega Institute called Choose Love Over Fear. We hope that you will be able to join us there!
We are entering a busy time of year with a lot of social gatherings, gift buying, not to mention a big political change in America and many other places in the world. I bring up politics because so many people, no matter who they voted for, have been feeling intense emotions around this. As we know, these emotions tend to get lodged somewhere in our bodies if we don't have a healthy way of releasing them. This has been a theme my clients have been working with these last few weeks. One of my pieces of advice I've offered is Suzanne Scurlock Durana's specific guided meditation called Ground and Fill. It is a practical way of calming down our nervous system, helping us move out of overwhelm.
I am excited to be teaching this Ground and Fill meditation along with the five principles in the Full Body Presence curriculum with my friend and colleague Meghan McGrath this February. Learn more here.
And, finally I wanted to let you know about a friend of mine Michael Goorjian, who has just published his first book with HayHouse . . . just in time for Christmas! It is a fiction book called What Lies Beyond the Stars. I couldn't put the book down once I started reading it and was happy that I had a long day of flying so that I could finish the book. It is a wonderful exploration and inquiry of living a life that is meaningful to us and how we can get stuck or get off course along the way. I particularly enjoyed how Michael brought all of the characters alive. By the end of the book I felt I knew them all!
Hope all of my American friends enjoyed a Happy Thanksgiving. My deep gratitude to all of you in my community. I am grateful for you.
From My Hands and Heart, Kate xx
PS Are you inspired by Craniosacral Therapy? I have a special offer for you -- as a practitioner or lay person. You can get a head start and give the gift of health this season with signed copies of my book in bulk for your clients, family or friends, and get a discount! Read details here.