In my monthly Zoom group call, I ask everyone to share a word that describes what they would like more of in their lives. Someone shared that they would like to see more miracles. Many of us on the call were inspired by this word. A few days later I got an email describing how she had experienced a miraculous evening of connection and coincidence with friends after our call.
Miraculous has been my favorite word to describe our recent family trip to the UK during the Holidays. It was the third time we had booked our flight to the UK since the beginning of the pandemic. Before Thanksgiving, we were feeling confident about making these plans, as there were very few COVID restrictions in place. Then within a matter of days, at the end of November, everything changed. We sat down as a family to have yet another discussion of whether we should change our plans. (How many times have we all had these kinds of conversations over the last two years?!) We decided that we would go knowing that at any moment, we may need to change our arrangements.
Miraculously, we did not make any changes to our busy schedule with family and friends. Armed with our COVID tests and sensible precautions, we took it day by day. My husband and I turned to one another on the plane coming home in amazement that we had pulled off the whole trip despite the ever-changing situation. The sprinkling of magic came on the flight home. My two children had a free middle seat between them in their row. My husband had hurt his knee and managed to get a bulkhead seat at no extra cost. After the plane was in the air, he came to me to tell me that nobody had taken the seat next to him. I got to join him and enjoy the much-appreciated extra legroom.
When we got back to the car in the long-term parking, I pulled up the photo I took to help us remember where we had parked. And there it was: 2B. This was my dear friend Wayne Dyer’s special number. He would always request seat 2B on flights. His daughter, Saje Dyer, beautifully describes how she was moved to seat 2B on a flight she took shortly after her Dad had passed in her book The Knowing that she co-wrote with Serena Dyer.
On topic for miraculous moments, I was moved by this article I received from a member of my writing group about a doctor who was on the receiving end of life-saving medical treatment. It’s truly miraculous when Dr. Bharucha reaches out for support and is advised to take a step that saves his life. Enjoy the read!
Please also check out a couple of events I will be participating in during April. The details are below.
Wishing you all many miracles and a sprinkling of magic in 2022!