Two years ago at the beginning of the pandemic, I spent some time searching for words that best described my work as succinctly as possible. I came up with the phrase Collaborative Navigation of Your Health and Wellness. Each of these carefully chosen words is important and I’d like to share why.
Collaboration is the keystone to creating change. Being in partnership with one another provides the opportunity for supportive accountability for change. The first step is to define the results we intend to gain from working together. This collaborative approach is foundational to CranioSacral Therapy; as therapists, we follow the lead of the inner knowing or wisdom of our client to form a partnership. For 30 years I have worked to hone the essential skills of listening through all my senses, especially through my hands to achieve effective collaboration.
Navigation is the process of following through on the desired results. The path is usually not a smooth straight line. Most times there are bumps or challenging experiences and/or patterns that can resist change. Change comes from navigating the intertwined relationship of the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of ourselves. The process can be messy and unclear at times, yet the results come and may even surpass expectations.
Of Your: Not to be dismissed are these two little important words placed in the middle. Each person I work with is the owner and coordinator of his or her care. When you achieve health and wellness, you own the results.
Health is found when we feel a state of balance, and keep an equilibrium within ourselves and with the social and physical environment around us. Even if there is a medical diagnosis, our health does not suffer when we maintain stability within ourselves.
Wellness can be described as moving from surviving to thriving, which requires actively making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is found through the act of practicing healthy habits.
I believe there is a solution to any intention or result we can imagine achieving.
Frequently I’m asked what my role is in helping people. In short, my answer is “I can help people who want to deepen their relationship with their physical bodies by supporting them through skilled touch, my therapeutic presence, and an inquiry to discover together the source of the discomfort.”
An article recently published in Massage Magazine, which I wrote, provides an example of this works in real life.
Please share with me any thoughts you had after reading these words.